What does it mean to run a truly responsible business? (Celebrating Good Business Fortnight)

A responsible business aligns profit with purpose to ensure that its impact on people, the planet and society is positive and sustainable. 

As an accredited member of the Good Business Charter (GBC), Izz Whizz VA is proud to embody this ethos every day. 

At the heart of Responsible Business 

A truly responsible business goes beyond compliance and profit making. It operates with integrity, transparency and care for its stakeholders. Responsibility involves embedding ethical practices into every aspect of operations whilst considering the long-term impact on people, communities and the environment. This holistic approach ensures that businesses act as stewards of sustainability and equity. 

From 3rd to 14th February, the GBC celebrated its fifth anniversary with the inspiring Good Business Fortnight. And, it seemed the right time to reflect on what it means to be an accredited member and the difference it makes to our businesses. 

The GBC provides a practical framework for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to responsibility through its 10 core principles including: 

  • Paying a real living wage 

  • Promoting employee wellbeing and fair contracts 

  • Upholding equality, diversity and inclusion 

  • Practicing environmental responsibility  

  • Ensuring ethical sourcing and prompt payment to suppliers 

These principles reflect a commitment to treating people and the planet with respect whilst maintaining financial integrity. It is extremely important to me both personally and professionally to uphold to these principles and has been since I can remember. 

Our Commitment to Responsible Practices 

As a small business providing Virtual Assistant and Business Support services in the UK and overseas, we have embedded these values into our daily operations. 

Fair Treatment: Prioritising the wellbeing of and fair rates for associates that work with Izz Whizz VA

Environmental Responsibility: Operating virtually helps to reduce our carbon footprint, always seeking out ethical and environmentally conscious suppliers and businesses; buying local where possible. 

Prompt Payments: We value our suppliers by adhering to prompt payment commitments. 

Customer Commitment: We offer tailored support to small businesses and legal professionals ensuring client satisfaction. 


Good Business Fortnight serves as a reminder of the collective power of ethical business practices. We are committed to continuing this journey, inspiring trust in those that work with us, inspiring others to embrace responsible practices to enable us all to make meaningful change. 


Izz Whizz VA is a freelance business support service providing assistance when you need it, how you need, remotely. Please contact us at isabelle@izzwhizzva.co.uk if you would like to arrange a free, no obligation consultation about how outsourced support could enhance your business. 






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